Parasite Prevention and Treatment

At Bench Animal Hospital in Boise, we treat a full range of conditions. But one of the most common is parasite infestation. Parasites are those pesky critters that need your pet to survive. Fleas and ticks can live on or in the fur and skin and slowly suck the blood of your four-legged friend. Then there are worms; these internal parasites live in your pet's intestines.

Parasite Treatment and Prevention

Not only are parasites a nuisance, they can cause misery and pain for your pet. If left untreated, parasites can be extremely dangerous, even deadly to your pet. Luckily, both external and internal parasites are (for the most part) easily treated with help from your veterinarian and some due diligence on your part. Below is more information on parasite treatment and prevention.

Symptoms of Parasite Infestation

Fleas and Ticks

  • Scratching

  • Head shaking

  • Loss of hair

  • Red, inflamed patches

  • Signs of “flea dirt” when combing

  • Bumps

  • Bleeding


  • Diarrhea

  • Bloody stool

  • Itching around the rectum

  • Boot Scooting

  • Bloating

  • Gas

  • Weight loss

Detection and Treatment

Often, fleas and ticks are fairly easy to spot with a flea comb and proper lighting when inspecting the skin and fur. Worms are a bit more tricky and require a fecal sample to be tested. Heartworm (the most serious of internal worms) requires a blood test because it doesn't live in the intestines but can cause heart and lung damage.

Treatment for both types of parasites involves administration of oral medication. In the case of worms, an injection of deworming medication may be given to speed up the process. For pets with fleas, a medicated shampoo bath may be given to help eradicate the infestation.

How To Prevent Parasites in Your Pet

The best way to prevent these tiny predators from attacking your pet is to administer regular flea and tick medication. This could include a chewable tablet or topical gel. Both are easy and take only a few minutes. For worms, visit your pet at least once a year to receive Heartworm medication and for a fecal test. You can also help by not letting your pet eat grass or other organic matter that could contain larvae or eggs.

Contact A Vet Near You at Bench Animal Hospital

If you're in the Boise area and need an experienced veterinary hospital you can trust, give our team at Bench Animal Hospital a call. Someone from our friendly team will be happy to help make an appointment or answer any questions you may have.



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Bench Animal Hospital


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 2:00 pm

